7th Polish Combinatorial Conference
Będlewo, September 24-28, 2018
Będlewo, September 24-28, 2018
The Polish Combinatorial Conferences are meant to integrate Polish and international combinatorial communities.
The upcoming conference is, as before,
dedicated mostly to young scientists whose attendance we strive to support (see below).
Having this goal in mind, besides several invited talks,
we provide also a couple of tutorials by leading experts in Combinatorics.
The scope of the conference is intended to cover most aspects of modern combinatorics, including graph theory, probabilistic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, algorithmic problems, combinatorial number theory, applications of combinatorics in computer science.
invited speakers
Two independent courses are proposed. Each course will consist of a few hours of lectures, followed by exercises and solutions sessions. The tutorials' lectures will be scheduled on Mon and Tue mornings. The tutorials will be led by
contributed talks
Participants are invited to give contributed talks. You can find the details here. The deadline for the title and abstract submission is July 31, 2018.
open mind prize
The Open Mind Prize, established in 2010, is awarded biennially to a junior Polish researcher for outstanding research in combinatorics. The awards are announced during the Polish Combinatorial Conferences and the awardees are expected to attend the ceremony and deliver a lecture. The name of the prize comes from the saying of Paul Erdős: My mind is open. The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2018. For more information about the prize please click here.
fee and support
The conference fee is 1000 PLN for transfers made before September 1, 2018 and 1100 PLN otherwise. It includes accomodation and full board. For details click here.
Young researchers may apply for financial support. An application should be supplemented with either a list of three best research articles published in 2014-2018 or a short letter of recommendation from a senior researcher sent directly to
by a senior researcher.
The deadline for support applications is July 1, 2018.
We acknowledge a support of Stefan Banach Center and Polish Academy of Sciences (7000PLN, działalność upowszechniająca naukę).
program committee
The scope of the conference is intended to cover most aspects of modern combinatorics, including graph theory, probabilistic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, algorithmic problems, combinatorial number theory, applications of combinatorics in computer science.
invited speakers
- Béla Bollobás, University of Memphis
- Andrzej Kisielewicz, University of Wrocław
- Alexandr V. Kostochka, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jakub Kozik, Jagiellonian University
- Dhruv Mubayi, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Paweł Prałat, Ryerson University
- Oriol Serra, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Two independent courses are proposed. Each course will consist of a few hours of lectures, followed by exercises and solutions sessions. The tutorials' lectures will be scheduled on Mon and Tue mornings. The tutorials will be led by
- Marcin Pilipczuk, University of Warsaw
- Wojciech Samotij, Tel Aviv University
The square root phenomenon: subexponential algorithms in sparse graph classes, exercises
Entropy and counting, exercises
contributed talks
Participants are invited to give contributed talks. You can find the details here. The deadline for the title and abstract submission is July 31, 2018.
open mind prize
The Open Mind Prize, established in 2010, is awarded biennially to a junior Polish researcher for outstanding research in combinatorics. The awards are announced during the Polish Combinatorial Conferences and the awardees are expected to attend the ceremony and deliver a lecture. The name of the prize comes from the saying of Paul Erdős: My mind is open. The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2018. For more information about the prize please click here.
fee and support
The conference fee is 1000 PLN for transfers made before September 1, 2018 and 1100 PLN otherwise. It includes accomodation and full board. For details click here.
Young researchers may apply for financial support. An application should be supplemented with either a list of three best research articles published in 2014-2018 or a short letter of recommendation from a senior researcher sent directly to

We acknowledge a support of Stefan Banach Center and Polish Academy of Sciences (7000PLN, działalność upowszechniająca naukę).

- Krzysztof Diks, University of Warsaw
- Jarosław Grytczuk, Warsaw University of Technology
- Paweł M. Idziak, Jagiellonian University
- Jerzy Jaworski, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Michał Karoński, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Zbigniew Lonc, Warsaw University of Technology
- Tomasz Łuczak, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Andrzej Ruciński, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Mariusz Woźniak, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Sylwia Antoniuk, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Jerzy Jaworski, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Jarosław Grytczuk, Warsaw University of Technology
- Piotr Micek, Jagiellonian University
- Paweł Naroski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Katarzyna Rybarczyk-Krzywdzińska, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Alina Szelecka, University of Zielona Góra
- Magdalena Tyniec-Motyka, AGH University of Science and Technology
- July 1, 2018 for applications for support
- July, 2018 for the Open Mind Prize candidate proposal
- August 15, 2018 for 7PCC registration; for title and abstract submission
- September 1, 2018 for paying ,,early'' registration fee
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